With focus on self-care in the new year, I have become more intentional about the food I put in my body. Additionally, I’m done with the word “diet.” I’m choosing not to focus on “shouldn’t” and “can’t” in favor of foods that taste great and are good for my health. I’ve added Middle Eastern cuisine to home cooking and dining out. Again, I’m refraining from the label “Mediterranean Diet,” and am opting to enjoy what I eat. Consider the number of European, Asian and African countries encompassing the Mediterranean Sea. There are so many delicious options to choose from! Greek yogurt happens to be the cornerstone of this Heart Healthy Chocolate Frosting with Greek Yogurt and Honey.

Why Is Yogurt Heart Healthy?
One fat substitution I’ve found to work well in baking, is plain Greek yogurt. And, it is the base of this Heart Healthy Chocolate Frosting Recipe.
We’ve all heard that Greek yogurt contains health benefits. When exploring yogurt as a key ingredient in this recipe, I was pleased to learn the following. I’ve shared links with you as well.
- National Institute of Health: Men and women who consumed at least 2 servings of yogurt per week, (especially in the context of a healthy diet), were at lower risk for developing heart disease.
- WebMD: Greek yogurt has a connection to lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Cholesterol and triglycerides can harden or block arteries over time. Lowering their levels can reduce the risk of heart disease.
- VA News: The Million Veteran Program research links yogurt to better heart health. Good cholesterol (HDL) was higher in test subjects who reported eating any amount of yogurt daily. Good cholesterol can reduce the risk of heart disease and increase longevity. Dr. Kerry Ivey states that even a little bit of yogurt is better than none for improving heart health.

Why Is Cocoa Heart Healthy?
The next ingredient in Heart Healthy Chocolate Frosting is cocoa powder. Most of us have heard that dark chocolate and cocoa have some heart-healthy benefits. This is great news; because in our house: It’s not a dessert without chocolate! When researching cocoa powder for this recipe, I came across these articles:
- WebMD: Cocoa powder contains strong antioxidants that help improve cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Cocoa powder is also rich in theobromine. This helps reduce inflammation and can protect from heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Also, cacao contains lots of potassium. This too, may decrease the risk of heart disease by reducing inflammation and stress on cells.
- Harvard Medical School: This trial involved 42 older women and men at high risk for cardiovascular disease. Half received about 1.4 ounces of unsweetened cocoa powder in skim milk every day. The other half received only plain skim milk. After one month, they were tested again. The cocoa drinkers had lower levels of proteins that cause substances to stick to the walls of the arteries. Those proteins are linked to heart disease. They contribute to the formation of plaque that can trigger a heart attack or stroke. Cocoa was also found to increase “good” HDL cholesterol.
- Cleveland Clinic: This article compared health benefits of dark, milk and white chocolate. The article found dark chocolate to be the best as it’s the least processed chocolate. It contains the highest percentage of flavonoid-filled cocoa. Unsweetened baking chocolate is 100% cocoa. Its flavonoids improve blood flow, control cholesterol, and lower blood pressure. The National Institute of Health also reports that cocoa enhances positive mood.

Why Is Honey Heart Healthy?
Honey is the final ingredient in Heart Healthy Chocolate Frosting. Although it is still a sugar, I was happy to see that honey, too, has its own benefits.
- The American Heart Association: Although long-term studies are needed, there is currently evidence that honey supports better health. Small studies have shown that honey’s antioxidants can help improve cholesterol levels. Better cholesterol levels help decrease the risk for heart disease.
- Mayo Clinic: The antioxidants in honey may be associated with reduced risk of heart disease. Honey is also used as a cough suppressant and wound care. The Mayo Clinic stresses that honey should not to be given, even in small amounts, to infants under 1 year old.
- The National Institute of Health: This research highlights a review identifying honey as a potential candidate as a natural alternative for the management of cardiovascular disease.
To Make This Recipe:
Heart Healthy Chocolate Frosting is a 3-ingredient recipe that is very simple to put together. It has a smooth texture that spreads well.

Ingredient List:
Begin by placing one cup of plain, nonfat Greek yogurt in a mixing bowl.
Next, add 3 tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa.
Lastly, add 2-4 tablespoons honey. (Start with 2 until you reach desired level of sweetness.)
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When all the ingredients are in the bowl, stir well and your Heart Healthy Chocolate Frosting is ready to serve. The finished frosting has a light, mousse-like texture.

Serving Options:
You can spoon this frosting into a cup and enjoy it on its own as a mousse. Top it with berries and crushed cookies for added goodness.
I also spread it on my chocolate cake recipe. (You may like this as another dessert option as it is egg-free). Slice a banana on top of the cake and then top with Heart Healthy Chocolate Frosting. Refrigerate until serving or pop it in the freezer to make a icebox cake. You can eat it immediately from the freezer like an ice cream cake or let it soften a bit before serving. Either tastes great!

Enjoy the recipe and see you next week!