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late bloomer in Bakerville

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slice of banana chocolate puff pastry
Banana Chocolate Puff Pastry Delight
If you’re looking for a quick and tasty dessert to delight your guests, look no further than this Banana Chocolate Puff Pastry Delight. This simple recipe is incredibly easy to...
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tabouli salad with lettuce leaves and lemons
First Time Making Tabouli?
Tabouli, a popular dish in Middle Eastern cuisine, is a fresh and vibrant salad that features parsley and bulgur, with parsley taking the spotlight. Originally from Lebanon and Syria,...
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backyard birdbath fountain
Simple Backyard and Patio Fountain DIY
If you enjoy adding whimsy and character to hidden niches in your garden landscape, this DIY fountain project is for you!  A ground-level set-up serves as a traditional birdbath as...
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Wedding Invitations
Personalizing Your Wedding Invitations
Wedding invites are a distinctive way to introduce guests to the theme of your upcoming event.  With a free afternoon and a touch of creativity, you can personalize your invitations...
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banana bread on cooling rack
Reliable Banana Bread
If you’re like me, you’ve struggled to achieve a golden-brown banana bread crust without leaving the center of the loaf underbaked.  If so, this recipe is for you!  After...
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sunflower seeds in white bowl
Saving Sunflower Seeds
Last garden season, I purchased a packet of giant sunflower seeds and planted a row at the back of my vegetable garden.  They attracted a fair number of bees and provided a lovely backdrop...
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Learn More About Me

Join me in rediscovering the foundational value of food, family, friends, flora and fauna.


Social media can feel impersonal; instead, let’s grab a cup of coffee and chat across the virtual fence. 

I’m interested in your questions and curiosities and what you think might embolden you to bloom.

Interior of horse stable