These seven patio plants that deter mosquitoes will enhance outdoor seating areas while providing an eco-friendly bug barrier. Herb selections not only provide a simple mosquito roadblock but also serve as a culinary cutting garden for kitchen recipes. Flowers can also add a splash of color while doing their job to discourage pesky insects.
Seven Patio Plants That Deter Mosquitoes – Facts:
As always, when choosing to share information, I do my research. There are a variety of online gardening articles that agree on a standard list of plants that have mosquito-repellant properties. New York Botanical Gardens notes, however, that it’s important to remember that mosquitoes seek out humans. So, unless you are rubbing yourself with particular scented plants all day, mosquitoes will not be repelled by you – just by specific plants you might be standing next to. (Additionally, rubbing plant oils on your body is tricky business due to allergies and toxicity).
As a solution, I chose to set out flowers and herbs that deter mosquitoes on the perimeter of our deck. This creates a natural barrier between the yard and our seating area. Even if it this strategy marginally cuts down on the number of summer pests, I’ll be pleased.
I chose these deck rail planters as they take up very little deck space and are at a nice height to detract bugs from our seating area. They fit over the top rail and can be shimmed for a tight fit.

The first patio plant I selected to deter mosquitoes is the marigold. Marigolds have a distinctive odor that not only deters mosquitoes, but other bugs as well. They contain a chemical compound called pyrethrum. Pyrethrum can be found in many insect repellents and gardeners have used marigolds for years to protect garden plants from harmful insects such as squash bugs, tomato worms and white flies. Marigolds also attract pollinators and insects that prey on pests.

Floss Flower (Ageratum)
The next flower I chose for my window boxes was floss flower. Floss flowers secrete coumarin. This is a compound found in some insecticides. Mosquitoes find the odor offensive. (As a side note, Coumarin also makes the floss flower toxic if ingested by humans or pets). I like that mine are above the deck floor an and away from areas a dog can explore. Floss is an annual with feathery blue flowers and its leaves can have coppery tones. It has a long bloom season from spring to frost.

Scented Geranium
Scented geraniums are a popular mosquito-repellant plant. Garden centers commonly label it “The Mosquito Plant.” It has lacy, citronella-scented leaves and pink summer blooms. The lemony scent is very strong and keeps a variety of pests at bay. It was my third choice for flowering patio plants that deter mosquitoes. There is debate as to whether or not this plant is an effective barrier for pests. I love the citrusy fragrance – which is released whenever you brush the leaves. I’ll let you know how it fares!

Next, I added some plants for my kitchen cutting garden. Several culinary herbs are excellent choices for patio plants that deter mosquitoes. Rosemary has the reputation of having very few insect problems. Mine houses a tiny spider that has taken up residence, but no other intruders. Rosemary is woody and very fragrant. It is reported that mosquitoes do not like the scent. Some resources recommend burning rosemary to enhance it’s insect-deterring properties. Also, rosemary essential oil seems to keep mosquitoes at bay. There are, however, warnings about the safety of high concentration of these oils. If the plant alone can keep some bugs at bay and I can use it’s greenery on the barbecue, it’s a win/win.

Flies and mosquitoes don’t care for the strong scent of basil. Its leaves contain compounds that are toxic to mosquitoes. Gardeners use basil as a companion plant for tomatoes to deter pests. Again, the volitale compounds are in the oils of the plant. You can increase it’s power by bruising the leaves to release their scent. The essential oils from this plant can be toxic in the concentration needed to make a spray. I’m going to experiment with pouring boiling water over the leaves and spraying it on the edge of deck that protrudes outside of the railing.

This patio plant that deters mosquitoes works very well when burned. We all know that sage is commonly wrapped in bundles for smudging. Seems it cleanses mosquitoes out of a space as well. It’s repellant qualities are associated with its strong odor. It has lovely, fuzzy leaves and is an attractive addition to patio containers and to kitchen recipes. Sage also repels moths, beetles and snails.

Lemon Thyme
My last pick was thyme. Lemon thyme has proven mosquito deterring properties. It has a citrusy-scent and its oils repel mosquitoes. You can use it in recipes when grilling, baking or cooking. Crush it to release the fragrance. Thyme is pollinator-friendly. It attracts bees and butterflies. It is a hardy herb that can survive the winter.

Are You Interested In These Seven Patio Plants That Deter Mosquitoes?
If you are curious, experiment with your own combinations. Perhaps you’d prefer all flower varieties or are interested in a culinary garden. There are lots of additional choices from lavender to bee balm to mint. Make it your own combination and enjoy a little protection from pests.?