This week’s post is a short one, but valuable if you are interested in a printable weekly planner. Typically, at work, I store all my resources in an electronic format; but, I find it highly satisfying to have this personal planner sheet available to quickly capture notes and ideas I’d like to organize for myself during the week. I keep it right in the front of a slim loose-leaf binder at my workspace so I have easy access to it. I’ve played with several formats and this one works best for me. If you’d like to see the full planner sheet and a free printable of it, I’m happy to share if you’d like to try it out. Come bloom with me!

Weekly Goals Section
In any work week, as the days progress, there are things that I might not need to attend to today – or even this week – but, I don’t want to forget that they are coming up and I need to address them. For example, it might occur to me that I need to renew a prescription soon for a pet. I’ll jot that in the goals section so I won’t forget to check how many days I have left in the prescription before re-ordering. Or there may be a special occasion coming up and I will need to shop for a gift or clothing to attend. I’ll note that as soon as the thought passes through my mind so it doesn’t escape me again during the work day. The goals section is that place to capture and save items that are important, but not a bullet on today’s to-do list.

Daily Planner Section
I like to keep these daily lists small and concise. As I noted above, most of my work life is electronic – calendars, documents, shared screens and workspaces. The daily sections on this printable are just for me and my personal interests. I pull out this printable planner in the morning and might note that I need to pick up an item for dinner, re-size photos for a blog post, stop by the barn to groom my horse, change the sheets on the beds, or check in on my mom. I’ve learned over time, that list expectations are often longer than what time actually allows. I am careful during the workweek not to make personal daily lists overwhelming; just enough to feel satisfied and accomplished. You would be surprised how much you can attend to in a week when the to-do list is actually do-able.

Daily Tasks
This section of my weekly planner is merely a quick checklist. It is comprised of actions that are important to me daily. For me, that would be getting in 10K steps daily as baseline exercise. I add my daily supplements as well as my skincare regime. It will be different for you, but it is a simple, clean way to check off those items you want to ensure you attend to daily. I write the each action I want to track in the spaces below the daily tasks header and simply check them off for each day of the week in the columns to the right.

Weekend & Notes Planner Section
I also added a section for the weekend. This covers any upcoming plans or goals for Saturday and Sunday. Again, I keep it brief and don’t overschedule. This should be the best part of the week! It’s even fun to sometimes leave it blank and open to possibility.
The notes section is a place I just track random notes for the week. Sometimes its a gratitude note. Other times I might be tracking something for a project that I’m keeping notes on; for example, plant growth in the garden, last frost date, or bloom time of a certain variety.
Resource Links
If you would like to see the full weekly planner and download a printable version you can do that here: