Finding Your Materials
Creating your own fountain birdbath is delightfully simple and budget-friendly. Gathering materials for this backyard project is as easy as a trip to your local garden or hardware store. All you need is a birdbath top or basin, a small fountain to keep the water moving and clean, and a few carefully chosen rocks. These rocks serve a dual purpose: they provide resting spots for small insects, butterflies, and birds, and they can discreetly conceal the cord if you opt for an electric fountain instead of a solar-powered one. The key is to select a fountain that gently bubbles and circulates the water without spraying or startling the wildlife we aim to welcome.

Putting it together – Step one
With everything in hand, let’s put your fountain birdbath together! Begin by preparing the ground; if it’s uneven, spread a layer of gravel to create a level surface. Nestling your basin into this gravel base allows for easy adjustments to keep the water perfectly level. Position the fountain inside the birdbath basin and fill the basin with fresh water. Should your fountain need to be plugged in, do so after filling the basin, and adjust the water level as needed to maintain a soothing flow.

Placing Rocks and Greenery
Now it’s time to add the finishing touches with rocks and greenery. Even if you’re using a solar fountain and don’t have any cords to hide, it’s still beneficial to place a few rocks that rise above the water’s surface. These rocks provide essential perches for insects, butterflies, and small birds, helping them navigate your mini oasis with ease. If you do have cords, strategically placed rocks and lush foliage can conceal any unsightly elements. I nestled my fountain beside a wild fern and complemented it with a potted aloe plant and a grapevine seedling on a trellis, creating a cozy and private space for wildlife to enjoy.

Cleaning the Fountain
Maintaining your birdbath fountain is as simple and cost-effective as building it. The bubbling action of the fountain helps keep insects at bay, as they prefer not to lay eggs in moving water, ensuring the water stays fresher for longer. According to the Audubon Society, a great way to keep your birdbath fresh is by rinsing and scrubbing it with a solution of nine parts water to one part vinegar. Avoid using synthetic soaps and cleansers, as they can strip the essential oils from bird feathers. For more information on the importance of clean birdbaths, check out the linked Audubon article. Below, you’ll find pictures of the scrub brush I use to clean the basin, rocks, and fountain.

In summary, creating your own birdbath fountain is both simple and affordable, making it a perfect project for any garden enthusiast. This delightful addition not only attracts a variety of backyard wildlife but also provides the soothing sounds of bubbling water, enhancing your outdoor experience. Best of all, the maintenance is straightforward and manageable, ensuring that your fountain remains a beautiful and functional feature in your garden. Embrace this easy DIY project and enjoy the myriad benefits it brings to your outdoor space.

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